Dentistry in North Little Rock

We offer a full line of preventative care, ultrasonic scaling and polishing and simple tooth extractions.

Your pet’s dental care is just as vital as your own.  If we as humans brush our teeth twice a day and still get them professionally cleaned twice a year, don’t you think its a good idea to maintain your pets dental health as well?  Neglected dental for your pet can lead to a variety of problems such as:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Bad breath
  • Requirement of tooth extraction

These are just a few examples of what can happen without AT LEAST an annual professional cleaning.  Now, depending on your pet’s food and treats etc. it could be less often or more often.  You should at least have Dr. Roberts evaluate your pet’s dental care on your next wellness checkup to see what she recommends. It is highly worth it to have a healthy pet!